『算法-ACM竞赛-CodeForces』Round 『算法-ACM 竞赛-CodeForces』Round #623 (Div. 2, based on VK Cup 2019-2020 - Elimination Round, Engine) A Dead Pixel讨论坏点的左右上下的矩形大小。 1234567891011121314151617181920#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespac 2024-06-29 算法 > ACM竞赛 > CodeForces
『算法-ACM竞赛-CodeForces』Round 『算法-ACM 竞赛-CodeForces』Round #622 (Div. 2) 1313 C1C1. Skyscrapers (easy version)time limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test512 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputThis is an easier ve 2024-06-29 算法 > ACM竞赛 > CodeForces
『算法-ACM竞赛-CodeForces』Round 『算法-ACM 竞赛-CodeForces』Round #622 (Div. 2) 1313 B Different RulesB. Different Rules Nikolay has only recently started in competitive programming, but already qualified to the finals of one prestigious 2024-06-29 算法 > ACM竞赛 > CodeForces
『算法-ACM竞赛-CodeForces』Round 『算法-ACM 竞赛-CodeForces』Round #622 (Div. 2) 1313 ATired of boring office work, Denis decided to open a fast food restaurant. On the first day he made a portions of dumplings, b portions of cranberry jui 2024-06-29 算法 > ACM竞赛 > CodeForces
『算法-ACM竞赛-CodeForces』Round 『算法-ACM 竞赛-CodeForces』Round #618 (Div. 2)-Non-zero123456789101112131415161718192021222324Guy-Manuel and Thomas have an array a of n integers [a1,a2,…,an]. In one step they can add 1 to any element of 2024-06-29 算法 > ACM竞赛 > CodeForces
『算法-ACM竞赛-CodeForces』Round 『算法-ACM 竞赛-CodeForces』Round #618 (Div. 2)-C. Anu Has a Function12345678910111213141516171819202122232425Anu has created her own function f: f(x,y)=(x|y)−y where | denotes the bitwise OR operation. For 2024-06-29 算法 > ACM竞赛 > CodeForces
『算法-ACM竞赛-CodeForces』Round 『算法-ACM 竞赛-CodeForces』Round #618 (Div. 2)-B. Assigning to Classes1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829Reminder: the median of the array [a1,a2,…,a2k+1] of odd number of elements is defined 2024-06-29 算法 > ACM竞赛 > CodeForces
『算法-ACM竞赛-CodeForces』Round 『算法-ACM 竞赛-CodeForces』Round #561 (Div. 2) A. Silent Classroom(贪心)A. Silent Classroomtime limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputThere are n stu 2024-06-29 算法 > ACM竞赛 > CodeForces
『算法-ACM竞赛-CodeForces』Round 『算法-ACM 竞赛-CodeForces』Round #530 (Div. 1) 1098A Sum in the treeA. Sum in the tree Mitya has a rooted tree with nn vertices indexed from 11 to nn, where the root has index 11. Each vertex vv initially 2024-06-29 算法 > ACM竞赛 > CodeForces
『算法-ACM竞赛-CodeForces』Round 『算法-ACM 竞赛-CodeForces』Round #509 (Div. 2) A. Heist 贪心There was an electronic store heist last night. All keyboards which were in the store yesterday were numbered in ascending order from some integer 2024-06-29 算法 > ACM竞赛 > CodeForces